Susana Martins Carvalho


  • Company JBS
  • Country Brazil
  • Sector Food

Susana Martins Carvalho is an executive with an international career in the Portuguese and Brazilian agribusiness market and in the waste valorization and circular economy market. She is an Agronomist Engineer, graduated from the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (Portugal), with a Master’s degree (MSc) in Organic Agriculture from the University of Aberdeen (Scotland), and has specializations in Design Thinking Experience and Business Design from the Design Thinking School (Brazil). She also holds a specialization in Finance and an MBA in Strategic and Economic Business Management from FGV (Brazil).

In Brazil since 2009, she served as CEO of Fertiberia Brasil, a Spanish multinational company of the Villar Mir group in the fertilizer sector. She has experience in strategic consulting in Agribusiness as a Senior Consultant at MacroSector Consultores and as a founding partner and Executive Director at Global Agro Consultants. In 2017, she joined JBS S.A. as Executive Director (CEO) of Campo Forte Fertilizantes, a position she still holds. Simultaneously, from 2017 to 2021, she also served as CEO of JBS Ambiental, where she was responsible for circular economy projects awarded by industry entities such as Abiplast, Revista Plásticos Sul, among others.

Susana Martins Carvalho has been a member of the Portuguese Diaspora Council since May 2024.