Professor Altina Sebastián González has a post-doctoral in banking (1986) from the Harvard Business School, obtained the degree of Doctor in Business Administration (1983) from IESE, University of Navarra and graduated in Economics (1977) from the Catholic University in Lisbon, Portugal.
At present times, she serves as an independent Board Member and Member of the Risk Assessment Committee of Millenniumbcp, a quoted bank at Euronext Lisbon, also as an independent Board Member and Member of the Audit Committee of Grupo Empresarial SanJose, a quoted company at the Madrid Stock Exchange. Between April 2018 and December 2021, she served as an independent Board Member, Member of the Audit Committee and Chairman of the Governance Committee of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, the largest portuguese bank. Previously (2003-2019), she was a non-executive Board Member,
Chairman of the Audit Committee and Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of Banco Caixa Geral – Spain, an independent Board Member and President of the Audit Committee of Instituição Financeira de Desenvolvimento, the portuguese promotional bank (2015-April 2018) and Board Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Parquesol (2007-2009), a quoted company at the Madrid Stock Exchange, that was absorbed by Group Empresarial SanJose.
She is also a Member of the Advisory Board of Expansión and Actualidad Económica and a Member of the Conselho da Diáspora Portuguesa, both functions are not remunerated and require a couple of meetings each year to discuss relevant and actual subjects.
In the academic field, she is an Associate Professor at the Finance Department of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid where she teaches Bank Management and Corporate Finance. Besides, she collaborates with other Universities, such as: Universidad de Barcelona, where she teaches Financial Management, Universidad Pompeu Fabra where she teaches Corporate Finance and Católica Lisbon School of Business where she has been a Visiting Professor for Executive courses in Portugal and Africa (Angola and Moçambique).
Professor Altina Sebastián Gonzalez has a large experience in executive education, having structured, organized and implemented in-company programs for different organizations, such as: Euroforum Escorial, Telefónica, Hewlett-Packard, Indra, Andersen Consulting, Accenture, Amena, BBVA, Iberia, Santander, Caja Madrid, La Caixa, Caixa Galicia, Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles – IEB, CAM, Caixanova, BCP- Millennium, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Banco Espírito Santo, Ecuatorian Banks, the Portuguese Banking Association and the Banking Sector of Angola, among others.
She is also a partner and consultant in the area of banking of Diagnóstico y Soluciones, SL, a financial and actuarial consulting which has developed projects to the EU Commission, such as: “The EU market for consumer long-term savings vehicles: Comparative analysis of products, market structure, costs, distribution system and consumer savings patterns” and “Corporate Social Responsibility for SMEs”.
She has published more than a hundred of articles for the business press and specialized reviews. She is the author of six books: “Análisis de la Rentabilidad Histórica de la Inversión en Acciones, Deuda Pública y Renta Fija Privada en el Mercado de Capitales Español”, Bolsa de Madrid (1992), “Nuevas Estrategias del Sistema Bancario en la Unión Económica y Monetaria”, IEE (1999), co-author of “Gestión Bancaria”, McGraw-Hill, 1ª ed. (1997), 2ª edition (2001),3rd edition (2008), “Banca Cooperativa – Oportunidades de desarrollo”, UNACC, 2007 and she has just published “Economía y Gestión Bancaria”, Pirámide (2015).