• THE PORTUGUESE DIASPORA COUNCIL, ASSOCIATION, NIPC 510472516, with headquarters at Edifício Tardoz, Beco do Teatro, 2750-320 Cascais (from now on referred to as “CDP”) is the entity responsible for collecting and processing the personal data of the holders of personal data collected by CDP through the website http://diasporaportuguesa.org (the “Website”) and is intended to inform website users (the “Users”), under the terms and for the purposes of the General Regulation on Data Protection, as supplemented by the Law n.º 58/2019, of August 8.
  • Users should carefully read this Privacy Policy and decide freely whether they wish to provide their personal data to CDP, prior to sending them.


Personal DataPurposesProcessingStorage Term
Name, telefone number and e-mailRequesto of contact/informationPermission2 years since the last contact, unless it results in a contractual relationship, in which case the data will be kept for the period term of any provision within the scope of such relationship
E-mailDispach of informational communications (newsletters)PermissionAs long as the User does not object to such processing (unsubscribe)
  • At the end of the conservation term indicated above, CDP will erase or anonymize the personal data, except when, in compliance with a legal or contractual obligation, CDP must keep the User’s personal data for a specific period.


  • Users have the right to ask CDP to access their personal data; its rectification; its erasure; limitation of processing; opposition to processing; and the right to data portability, under the terms of the laws governing the processing of personal data, as applicable and through the following e-mail address: info@diasporaportuguesa.org. Users also have the right to file a complaint with the Control Authority, which in Portugal is the National Data Protection Commission (https://www.cnpd.pt/).
  • On the exercise of their rights, User must send, in any case, a copy of a document proving their identity (avoiding, if possible, sending a copy of their citizenship card).


  • CDP may resort to third parties to provide certain services, which may imply, in some situations, access by such entities to Users’ personal data.
  • When using third parties, CDP commits to adopt the necessary and appropriate technical and organizational measures, in order to ensure that such entities offer high guarantees in the processing of Users’ personal data, which will be duly established and safeguarded through a written contractual document.
  • CDP does not, as a rule, transfer Users’ personal data outside the European Economic Area. When, for good reason, CDP has to carry out such transfers, it will ensure that the destination country has been subject to an adequacy decision and/or the transfer is subject to adequate guarantees in order to protect the privacy and security of the Users’ personal data.


  • CDP declares that it has implemented and will continue to implement the necessary technical and organizational security measures to guarantee the security of the personal data provided to it in order to prevent its alteration, loss, treatment and/or unauthorized access, taking into account the current state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.
  • Users’ personal data are treated with the legally required level of protection to guarantee their security and prevent their alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology.


  • Cookies are files or text files that contain small amounts of information that are downloaded and stored on the user’s device, through their browser, when they visit a website.
  • Cookies can be categorized according to the purpose they serve. There are cookies that are strictly necessary for the functioning of the Website, while others collect statistical information to analyze the use of the Website and its performance or are used to ensure the ensure additional functionalities to the website or to save the visitor’s preferences regarding navigation of the Website, whenever they use the same device. Other cookies can also serve to measure the success of applications and the effectiveness of third-party advertising.
Cookie NameCookie TypeFinalidadePrazo de ConservaçãoCookie Próprio
wordpress_[hash]FuncionalStores user login informationWhen browsing session endsYes
wordpress_logged_in_[hash]FuncionalIndicates if the user is logged inWhen browsing session endsYes
wp-settings-{time}-[UID]FunctionalStores user display preferencesWhen browsing session endsYes
wp_sharing_{id}FunctionalStores user sharing settingsExpires in 1 yearYes
_gaAnalyticalStores client ID used for generating statisticsExpires in 2 yearNo
_gidAnalyticalStores session ID used for generating statisticsExpires in 24 hoursNo
_gatAnalyticalUsed to limit request rateWhen browsing session endsNo
cookieyes-consentFunctionalStores user cookie consentExpires in 1 yearNo
wp-wpml_current_languageFunctionalStores currently selected language by userWhen browsing session endsNo
  • We note that some of the cookies identified above do not collect personal data from Users or allow their identification and, as such, are not considered personal data.
  • Users can revoke consent or change preferences in terms of cookie’s management on the cookies page at any time. Alternatively, most browsers allow control over cookies stored on navigation devices, as well as their immediate deletion if the User wishes to stop allowing the local storage of cookies. More information about cookies can be found on the following websites: www.aboutcookies.org  or www.allaboutcookies.org.
  • Users can configure the devices and browsers used in order to accept/reject all or some cookies, except those identified as “Essential/Necessary”, without which the Website may stop working or not work properly.


CDP has the right to make adjustments or alterations to the Privacy Policy at any given time, which will be duly published on the Website.

Updated on: January 25, 2023