In preparation for the rollout of this initiative, the Bank and the Government of Portugal have signed an agreement to provide language training to African Development Bank staff interested in learning Portuguese, as well as professional conference translation services.
The language-learning cooperation agreement, signed by the Institute for Cooperation and the Portuguese Language (Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P.) and the Bank at the African Development Bank headquarters in Abidjan, also provides conditions for the translation and dissemination of the Bank’s standard project procurement and financial management documents into Portuguese.
“The Lusophone countries are not one contiguous group. What we are talking about here has a cultural, linguistic, political and economic perspective. I believe Portugal will play a key role in bringing about greater integration,” Bank President Akinwumi Adesina told the visiting Portuguese delegation led by Teresa Ribeiro, Portugal’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
“As a Bank, we are committed to this. We are also delighted about the Portuguese training agreement we have signed,” Adesina said.
Teresa Ribeiro commended President Adesina for his vision and the Bank’s support to Lusophone countries. She welcomed the possibility of a compact that could respond to challenges facing the Portuguese-speaking countries.
“What we want to achieve with the African Development Bank is a very ambitious programme that responds to critical issues. The countries need the compact to enable investors,” she said.
As part of the Bank’s catalytic role, it is relying on the historical, cultural and language bonds that unite Africa’s Portuguese-speaking countries with Portugal and Brazil, to help stimulate greater economic ties, private-sector business growth and trade opportunities.
The Bank is planning to have a special session for Lusophone investors at the inaugural Africa Investment Forum, scheduled for November 7-9, 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa.