These are two very different and distinct journeys. Colour is about aesthetics, Black and White is all Texture and Form and closer to how people see (although we ‘re not aware of this), Colour for me is about fantasy and creating other dimensions. B&W is about essence. It is more primal in its rawness which is closer to our subconscious and as a result is also more intense.
What picture comes to mind when you think of happiness?
Hanging upside down in the ocean.
What is left of Portugal in you?
I left Portugal when I was 17 and see myself as a Londoner. Often it feels like I was a Londoner at birth. Having said that, itʼs impossible to not feel that there is an element of Portugal in me. When, I go back, It often feels like I never left. And do I go back often to be with family and ocean. Has I moved to the US instead of the UK, I believe the feeling of separateness would have been much greater. The reality is that Iʼve always felt undefined by nationality and more by character. I think my direct no-nonsense approach probably has its origins in Portugal.
What has been your role as a Portuguese Diaspora Counselor?
As part of my role in the Diaspora Iʼve participated in talks at Catolica University on what could potentially define the Professions of the future. The Diaspora is a very dynamic and collaborative entity where we brainstorm around ways to potentially bring back to Portugal unique skills that we might have developed overseas. In a way being part of such an entity often feels like we are all ambassadors for the country. At the moment Iʼm working on a very special project about Portuguese Oceans that will launch this year in October.