Check out videos and photo galleries from the Portuguese Diaspora Council.

Summer Meeting 2024

On July 17th, 2024, the Portuguese Diaspora Council held its usual Summer Meeting at the Palácio Cidadela, in Cascais, which brought together the Board of Directors, the Advisory Council, Councillors and Young Councillors.


2024 General Meeting

The 2024 General Meeting of the Portuguese Diaspora Council was held on April 24th in the Sala do Futuro, of the Cascais Town Hall. The meeting was followed by a cocktail in the Salão Nobre.


Advisory Board Meeting | April 2024

The Portuguese Diaspora Council held its first Advisory Council meeting of 2024 on April 2nd at The Yeatman Hotel in Vila Nova de Gaia, marking the beginning of a new phase of strategy and planning.


Encontro Anual 2023

No dia 21 de dezembro de 2023, realizou-se a 10ª edição do Encontro Anual do Conselho da Diáspora Portuguesa, no Palácio Cidadela, onde Conselheiros, membros do Conselho Consultivo e as mais ilustres figuras institucionais e empresariais do país discutiram os desafios 2024 e as metas 2023


Reunião Interna 2023

No dia 20 de dezembro de 2023, realizou-se mais uma Reunião Interna do Conselho da Diáspora Portuguesa, no Palácio Cidadela, em Cascais, onde foram avaliadas as atividades ao longo do ano e perspectivados os projetos e planos para o ano seguinte.


Advisory Board Meeting | November 2023

On the 2nd of November, a new meeting of the Advisory Council was held at the Cascais Town Hall, followed by a dinner at the Farol Hotel, which was attended by the Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, Ana Mendes Godinho, and the Mayor of Cascais, Carlos Carreiras.


Advisory Board Meeting | November 2023

On the 2nd of November, a new meeting of the Advisory Council was held at the Cascais Town Hall, followed by a dinner at the Farol Hotel, which was attended by the Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, Ana Mendes Godinho, and the Mayor of Cascais, Carlos Carreiras.
